Saturday, September 21, 2013

Managua Nicaragua is the place to be...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dear Lacy, thanks for your visit. We were glad to have you and Johnny in our community. We spent a really great two days and we defintely hope that both can come very soon. Johnny can help us a lot with the community Farm project. I hope that we can share eforce with Halo Foundation in some aspect and we can give to our kids other experiencies to enjoy their individual growing.

You guys were super lucky any rain during your visit, the two days were sunny, but as soon we left El Transito, the raining started again!!!

I'm happy we could worked together on the cleaning coast event, you could see a little bit how the community work to keep their town clean.

Hopefully in the next visit we can have a little more time to do more things in the community and she can know some kids and fall in love of them too.

I hope you in Decemeber guys!