Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Back in Uganda

I am back in Uganda after nearly 2 years to visit our HALO supported homes. I arrived last week but have been so busy running all over Kampala I am just now getting a chance to sit, breathe, and write. This time around I am visiting our new HALO Ambassador, Mary Pryse, who after only 6 months of serving as a HALO Ambassador already seems like an old pro. From navigating the streets of Kampala, to writing food critiques for a local website, to negotiating prices, Mary is an amazing tour guide and hostess. I appreciate her working 14 hour days to accommodate all of the things we're trying to pack into a relatively quick trip.

I am also excited to have Valerie Mayen traveling along with me in Uganda. Valerie is an incredibly talented designer who runs Yellowcake out of Cleveland, Ohio and also happens to be a super cool travel companion and fellow ukulele enthusiast. Valerie is helping me to establish sewing and design programming in some of our HALO Uganda homes. We have purchased some new sewing machines and have been so excited to teach the girls in the Mengo and Lungujja homes some new sewing skills. We have not been able pick up on their Ugandan dance skills as well as they have picked up on the sewing.

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